Camping Le Nautic on the shores of Lake Serre-Ponçon

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Fishing in Hautes-Alpes

If you like fishing the area is full of spot to practice this activity. There are lots of beautiful rivers like the Durance and the Drac but also mountain lakes with their crystal clear water where Trout, Fontaine Salmon, Arctic char are the kings.

Fishing in the Hautes-Alpes
Fishing in the Hautes-Alpes

Surrounded by majestic mountains, the Serre Ponçon lake is a big fishing spot at 20min drive from the campsite. Water is brought there by the Durance and Ubaye rivers. It is a huge water surface sheltering trout, arctic char, perch and pike...

Webcams keep you informed

Des Webcams installed by the local Tourism Committee and the Fishing Federation allow you to check the state of the rivers in real time.


Nouveauté 2022 Mobil home Bahia emplacement standard ou vue lac 

 2 chambres, 4/5 pers.maxi, 28m²

De beaux volumes pour un mobil home ultra lumineux

Les  plus !

-une cuisine panoramique totalement ouverte sur l'extérieur

-de beaux volumes spacieux

-une chambre parentale aux dimensions XL

-une salle de bain équipée d'une douche 80x100 cm ...

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